ENREGO Energy is a company founded in the field of renewable energies by pioneers and industry experts with many years of experience. ENREGO’s management can look back on more than 60 years of experience in the industry and has successfully developed and implemented a large number of renewable energy projects during this time and has sustainably built and managed national and international companies.
ENREGO strives to provide added value to its customers by always taking a systemic approach, considering all components of an energy management system consisting of wind and solar energy, bioenergy, green hydrogen, as well as charging infrastructures and energy storage systems, among others.
In order to enable a sustainable, ecologically and economically sensible transition to green energy and thus to a carbon-free world, ENREGO involves all stakeholders in the projects comprehensively and transparently and also offers end-to-end solutions in the most cost-effective way.
The ENREGO team has decades of expertise as well as broad experience along the entire value chain around the topic of renewable energies, so that we can offer our customers solutions to all questions and challenges under one roof.
Extensive expertise and experience in the development and implementation of economically and ecologically sustainable renewable energy projects.
Creating added value for our customers
as well as their satisfaction
with our work
is our
motivation and drive.
For us, it is crucial to justify
the trust of
our customers by the quality of our work.
Bright Ideas, Brighter Future: Empowering a Sustainable World
M&A of Projects
and Project Rights
These values are the basis for reaching our outstanding goal:
From ENREGO’s point of view, renewable energy is the decisive key to achieving the 1.5-degree climate target and ensuring sustainable security of supply. In order to be able to meet the challenges that lie ahead of us in this context, we need the commitment of every individual in our society.
In this context, we see it as our task to create the possibilities and the conditions for an investment in the energy transition for all citizens, municipalities and companies through the development and implementation of projects in the field of renewable energies as well as through the establishment of attractive, economically, and ecologically sustainable as well as low-threshold participation opportunities. In this way, we as ENREGO Energy would like to make our contribution to further strengthening social support for transformation efforts in order to contribute to a more sustainable way of life and economy.